What’s up with the new flash chat room?

Well it is in testing. The new flash chat room has some great new features, and I think everyone is gonna love it! We are in beta test mode right now. We had some problems during last week’s testing, and so we’ve spent a week fixing the problems. If all goes well with the testing this week, we may have a soft launch by next week. The plan is to have a new launch, and new integration with the new forums, and much more within two weeks. We may have problems trying to roll out so many new features at once, and it could be further delayed, or scrapped entirely, but so far so good this week! We have setup a page that has questions, answers and discussion about the new flashchat room.

The links on all of our pages of the site currently link to the old forums system, and we will not be using that one any longer. We have a new sex chat forums system ready for launch, and that is the place to register in order to save a screen name. We hope to update the site links within the next week or so.

1 thought on “What’s up with the new flash chat room?”

  1. The new chat engine is awesome , I personally don’t know much about this site but appreciate the new chat engine , its so cool.

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