SCSC Videos

We have a few exclusive videos to share with the adult world, and this page is to present some of them in one place so they are easier to find.

Some videos will be “How to” videos, making it easier for people to enjoy the chat rooms, and to use other sections of the site. Some of the videos will be “fan vids” or videos that others have made to show their love / lust for scsc. As we approve more videos we will add them here.

Here are our first two SCSC exclusive videos:



If you’d like to share a sexy or informative video with the community please contact Nash to discuss. We are currently looking for new fan sign vids. No need to show your face in the video, some sexy legs and stockings would be fine 😉 However if there is any boobs, dicks, or pussy showing we would need to get a copy of two IDs to have on hand for legal reasons. Of course fan sign vids don’t need to include the naughty bits to be erotic, sexy, and or educational. So there are many options.

I know some of our users are creating videos in the NC system to share and they are waiting on approvals. You will need to contact Nash and ask that they are approved for viewing with your NC profile before they will be okayed – as I want people to be sure they understand that those videos will become viewable by the general public.

Some people are using their profile in the peeps section to upload videos and pictures to their profile album and to groups. There are some settings there to make your uploads viewable by no one, or your friends only, or for everyone who browses the peeps section. I understand most are keeping their videos semi-private (viewable by accepted friends only) – which is excellent. We will soon have a new option for that video uploader thing to accept videos in other formats.

Right now the peeps album upload thing will only work with “.mp4” videos – and if you upload a different format like wmv then it appears to work, but then the video does not play. I wish there was a better error message handling for that thing – it’s something we are working on however! There should be a new video converter available there sometimes in July 2015.

We will also have some videos that are only available to members who are registered and logged in the peeps social network section. More on those at another time.

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