Well maybe you did something wrong, and maybe you didn’t. People are sometimes auto-kicked by the system to this page for typing one of our banned words into the chat. Did you get kicked from the room and see a message about profanity? Info about the profanity filter / banned words kicks. Click here.
Sometimes people are kicked to this page by one of our chat room moderators as a way to force people to read the rules. In most cases these “temporary kicks” will auto-expire in 10 minutes, or a few hours. This gives people a chance to read the rules and understand that they have been warned.
Every once in a while people get kicked here by accident, as sometimes when we try to kick or ban someone the user list moves and the wrong person gets sent here.
In some cases people are permanently banned when sent to this page. If you try to come back to the chat 24 hours later and the system says ‘name or ip banned’; then you have likely been “perma banned”.
The list of chat room rules that most people get kicked
18 and over only.
No one under 18, or pretending to be under the age of 18 years, is allowed to use this site.
Asking another person to pretend that they are less than 18 years old is not allowed.
Talking about sex involving anyone who is not 18 or older, even when reminiscing about your college sex days, or your first sexual experiences (if someone involved was not yet 18) is not allowed.
If you are aware of a user who is not 18 or older you need to alert the moderator(s).
Impersonating another user is strictly prohibited and will get you permanently banned from using this chat system.
No flooding the room with the same comment over and over again.
- Hey ladies Im a guy wanna chat?
- >Hey ladies Im a guy wanna chat?
- > Hey ladies Im a guy wanna chat? Hey ladies Im a guy wanna chat? Hey ladies Im a guy wanna chat?
- Hey ladies Im a guy wanna chat? Hey ladies Im a guy wanna chat? Hey ladies Im a guy wanna chat?
Phone numbers, social networking pages (Facebook, Myspace, etc), messenger IDs (yahoo, msn, aim, gtalk, skype, meebo, etc), and email addresses are not allowed in the public chat areas.
- Call me 555-5555
- add me on — fake.email@not.real.net
- Here is my profile www.myspace-facbook.com/profile/
- Here is my im / yahoo / msn id! Hot/f /22/earth imma.scammer
Do not promote commercial or affiliated products, services, websites or other chat systems.
- Check out fakedatingonline.com filthy rich, hot and horny.
- Check instant-growth-brand cock enlargement pills!
Hate speech, religious topics, and political conversations are not permitted in the public rooms. If you want to discuss such topics you may create another room.
- Government Leaders
- Current wars
- Racism
- Attacking any Faith
- Promoting any religion
Important additional information about racial jokes, ethnic statements and hate speech here.
English Only in the main chat rooms
The main system rooms (The lobby, lesbian action, group sex room, etc.) – are English language only. If you want to chat in a different language, you can do so via pm, or better yet, create your own “side room” or user created chat room and you can use a different language there.
No continual use of complete capitol letters is allowed, unless they are used sparingly. Usage of ALL CAPITOL LETTERS is considered to be YELLING in most online chat worlds.
- Moderator: User6903, please ease up on the caps.
- User6903 has been kicked by Moderator
Kill, mame, cutting, snuff, etc
Maming, self mutilation, cutting, killing, dolcet, snuff, and crap like that – now banned completely, system wide.
Posting pics / videos (or links to media) of anyone who is not 18 or older is not permitted here.
This includes pics where there is no hardcore penetration or nudity.
Posting links to pics, videos, or to web sites, where the age of majority is difficult to discern, or they fall below Nash’s trust rank of 80 is not allowed.
Parasite Sites / Collections / Out of Context Sexualization
Sites that collect and sexualize in ways that were not intended by those that were in the photos / videos. (even non-nude sites!)
If you choose to post pics, or links to pics / videos – click here to read these content guidelines to determine if the media / web site fall below our trust rank.
Arguments / Drama / Flame wars, fanning
We prefer that arguments not be ongoing drama in the lobby. If you disagree with another user, agree to disagree and do not fill up the chat window with flame wars, or fan the flames either. Use the ignore / block button to silence someone who is typing what you don’t want to hear. People who continually argue, or continue to attempt to entice others in arguing can and will be banned from the site.
Harassing other users, a group of users, or the moderators is grounds for being kicked, banned, and or prosecuted. This has been a part of the terms of service since the site was started. I am re-mentioning it here to bring your attention to it, additional info is found on our terms of use page. There are serious issues with not only being kicked from the chat room, but also in us recording and giving up your personally identifying information in cases of harassment.
Harass – (from webster’s dictionary online) (1) : to annoy persistently (2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct
harassment (from http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/harassment ) (either harris-meant or huh-rass-meant) n. the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands. The purposes may vary, including racial prejudice, personal malice, an attempt to force someone to quit a job or grant sexual favors, apply illegal pressure to collect a bill, or merely gain sadistic pleasure from making someone fearful or anxious. Such activities may be the basis for a lawsuit if due to discrimination based on race or sex, a violation on the statutory limitations on collection agencies, involve revenge by an ex-spouse, or be shown to be a form of blackmail (“I’ll stop bothering you, if you’ll go to bed with me”). The victim may file a petition for a “stay away” (restraining) order, intended to prevent contact by the offensive party. A systematic pattern of harassment by an employee against another worker may subject the employer to a lawsuit for failure to protect the worker. (See: harass, sexual harassment)
Be Defensive!
If there is a user who is talking about something that you do not want to hear or is continually pming you after you have asked them to stop, simply click their name on the list of users (participants panel) and select ‘Block User’ – you will not be able to see any of their comments for the rest of your login time. It’s the magical “poof! They are gone button, otherwise known as the iggy button! This could save you from getting kicked or banned, and save your sanity.
GFA Clause
If you are generally fucking annoying, you may be kicked or banned. This includes all kinds of things, and may mean different things to different people, but if for example you just type some gibberish, or try to make fun of the rules, or push the limits, or just post some stupid you tube links, or do anything else that annoys the group or one of the moderators you may be kicked or banned under the GFA clause.
Some topics and screen names are only allowed in certain niche rooms.
Edge-play / taboo terms (terms that are not well accepted in the mainstream world) are not allowed to be in the lobby. Certain discussions / screen names that may be tolerated in one room may be reason for a kick or ban in another room.
If you send private messages to people that include edge play / taboo terms and they did not ask for those types of message, you may be permanently banned from the system.
Abusive, forced sex, humiliation or rape like names or discussions are not allowed in the main rooms such as the lobby, and are only allowed in the forced sex fantasy room, a user created room, or perhaps the BDSM room, if others there at the time do not find offense to the discussion.
Any type of incest type of discussion is not permitted in any of the system created rooms aside from the family fun room.
Golden showers and the like are only permitted in the squirting room, or a user create room.
Coming into the Lesbian action room with a dick avatar, screen name that includes references to male genitalia or talking about dick / cock in the open room or via unwanted pms, will get you kicked or banned from the system. Same applies to anyone who would come into the gay / bisexual men chat room and start talking about female anatomy graphically and in the open room. This includes fictional names and terms like futa.
There are too many niche and fetish things to list here, but be aware that if you have a screen name, or engage in a discussion, or use an avatar that a majority of people in the chat room you are in find offensive, you should create your own room, or you may be asked to change, or be kicked / banned.
Nickname Guidelines
Many users include their age-sex-location in their screen name. Doing this is not necessary but it is rather helpful and will help decrease the time it takes to find a session.
- Jenny f-25-uk
- Sexy Man-39-TN
- Hard4you 19-m-india
- Wet&wild 46/f/Australia
IM IDs (yahoo, skype, gtalk, msn, etc) social networking profiles, and emails are not allowed to be used as names.
- Imma.scammer6969(sk ype me)
- Hotbabe1990@example.com
- Horselongdong at FB
Phone numbers are not permitted in names.
- Call me 555-555-555
- Hot phone sex!! 1-888-211-6096
Url based nicknames are not allowed.
- FreeVirusesForBadPorn.com
- Chatsiteforphoneys.com
- www.website.com
This web site follows the ASACP guidelines for unacceptable terms – using any of the terms listed below, or similar variations in your screen name or lobby conversations will get you permanently banned from using this site.

Any name with pedophile, child, kid, or any other terms that suggest that you are underage or are looking for some one underage, or is any variation deemed unacceptable by a Moderator(s).
- Pedro phile 24 m
- Horny4kds 32 f
- Lookin4HS FreshmenChicksM 18
- Lilly f 15
The terms boy and girl are highly discouraged. If you want one of these terms in your name, you should add your age to your screen-name so that your age is made clear.
Questionable Names:
- Young Hard Boy
- Small Girl Pussy
Acceptable Names:
- Lil wet girl18
- Hard boy19
Taboo / Edge Play Terms in Screen Names
If your screen name may be offensive to a majority of people in a certain room, then you should not be there.
eg – Having a screen name with dick, cock, or eludes to such imagery in the lesbian room is not allowed.
If your screen name eludes to something taboo, make sure you are aware of the taboo terms / edge play discussions rules posted above.
Coming to the rooms with a name including rape, abuse, incest, bestiality, or another controversial term or a variation, you may get kicked from the system if you stay in the lobby. Edge-play / taboo terms (terms that are not well accepted in the mainstream world) are not allowed to be in the lobby. However, you can keep terms that are not accepted in the lobby, as long as they are allowed in the system, if you go to another room such as the forced sex room or the family fun room that do not find the terms offensive.
There is some grey area here with screen names – help!
Names like these should only be in a bdsm or forced sex type of room (not in lobby, les room, ffr, etc)
Brutal Dom
Punishing Sluts
kick my balls
Sadistic Master
degrade me please
brutal daddy
Blonde Torturer
Virgin wants to be abused
Treat you like meat
Abusive Husband
piece of shit whore for dom m
Names like these may be okay in the lobby type rooms, but if your open discussions, or unasked for pms included taboo terms, then you may be kicked or banned.
slaveboyslave here for use
A vicious Man
Deeply Depraved Master
Bondage Bitch
Sick Fucking Pervert
Additional information regarding rules in relation to taboo terms, edge play discussions, niche fantasy and role play can be found on the content guidelines page.
Chat Room Etiquette
Intro and ask before pm
Be polite; ask someone in the main chat if they would like to PM with you before start to private message them. Many people, especially women, consider PMing without asking first to be very rude.
If you send private messages to people that include edge play / taboo terms and they did not ask for those types of message, you may be permanently banned from the system.
Not all topics are allowed in the main lobbies. For this reason we have created several niche rooms, and users have the option to create their own room. If you want to take part in such discussions simply click the green arrow and door icon at the top of the chat area to change to your desired fantasy room. (See info above about taboo terms and edge play discussions and screen names)
We have an active community of regular users, also known as regs, here on our site who are usually friendly and helpful. If you’re new here, take some time to get to know the regs and the moderators. Just like in real life, the relationships online take some time to build, so hang out for a while to get to know the other users and vice versa. Enjoy the banter, the interchanges, the craziness, and the humor and you’ll be just fine. Remember, patience and courtesy go a long way to help you learn about how to use the site and help you find a person to have a great sex chat session.
Use Iggy!
The ignore button is a great feature! If someone is pming you with out permission, or saying things in the chat room that you do not want to hear, simply click their name on the list and select ‘block user.’ You will not see any comment by that person for the rest of your login period in the chat site.
The Moderators
Our chat rooms have volunteer Moderators who help people and enforce the rules to provide our users with a safe and fun chatting environment. When a Moderator is in their ‘Admin’ role, their name will appear red in the list of names to the right of the chat area. Please remember Mods are people too, who want to enjoy conversations with friends and they often have private messages and whispers that they are keeping track of along with the lobbies and other rooms. If you have a problem or witness a serious infraction you are more than welcome to pm a Moderator for help and tell them about the incident, which they will be happy to help you with.
Sometimes the Moderators will be in the room but will not appear in red. Sometimes a moderator will be in a room with a regular screen name, and not in moderator / admin mode. Sometimes a moderator or site admin could be in a room and be completely invisible. Some moderator’s names will appear as yellow or purple. If you need help go into the main lobby and ask for a Moderator, chances are that there will be a Mod logged in or someone who can reach a Moderator for you.
Please be nice to the Moderators, they are very busy people and have a lot of different things to take care of in the rooms. They can easily misunderstand something a person types, so be polite and patient! To make sure the room is taken care of Moderators are given the power to warn (an alert shows up on the selected user’s screen), freeze (the user is unable to talk for a period of time), kick (the user is removed from the room for several minutes to a day) and ban a user and their IP address from our chat system forever.
Many times our moderators will warn and or educate a user before they are kicked / banned – but this is not always the case, there is no rule that moderator must warn before kicking a user who is breaking the rules.
Got complaints? Questions?
If you have a general question or complaint about being kicked out of the chat room, you can post a message in the comment form at the bottom of this page, or use the contact us page to email Admin Nash (site owner) directly.
If you have a complaint about a Moderator or the moderator procedures, there is a Moderator complaint page where you can alert the site owner, or post a public comment asking for info.
You could of been kicked or banned by accident
The chat rooms here get pretty busy, and when moderators click on the names to kick or ban, sometimes the list moves and we end up banning the wrong person. It happens, and if it has happened to you, we apologize, it’s the moving list, and once in a while it’s human error. More than likely the list moved in the process, and the wrong person got bumped. No need to freak out though, when that happens the ban is generally temporary, and you are not added to our forbidden access list. If you were on the forbidden access list, you wouldn’t be reading this post right now.
Violating Sexchatsexchat.com’s Terms of Service, the chat room’s rules, content guielines, or etiquette policies will result with you being kicked from our chat services temporarily or possibly being permanently banned. Some kicks/bans only last for five minutes, while other may last one hour, six hours, twelve hours, or even twenty-four hours. Users who have committed major offenses will be permanently banned. Users who were banned from the chat system and still cannot join the chat after waiting 25 hours, have been permanently banned.
It’s been 25 hours and the chat box still says name or ip is banned. Can I get this ban lifted?
Well first please read the netiquette rules, it only takes a few minutes. Please ask questions in the comments section on that page if you are unclear about any of the rules, and we will work to clarify. Double check that you understand the rules, the content guidelines and terms of service. Maybe you did something innocent and didn’t know that it violates our policies. Sometimes that happens, and if it has happened to you, send me comment below, and explain to me that you have read and understand the rules, and promise to play by them. I’ll consider the situation.
Please note –
Some of the rule infractions will cause permanent banning, and no promises or begging will get you unbanned ever. I’m not going to list all of the things that will make a ban stick forever, but just so you know, if you have posted web addresses to other commercial sites, asked for money, or played like you were not an adult, then you will be forever banned from the site. There are other things that people have done that have led to a permanent ban as well.
Before you ask about your kick or ban from the chat room in the comments below – wait at least 24 hours. Many times when a user is kicked or banned from the chat room by one of our moderators, the ban only last for 10 minutes, or an hour, or 24 hours. 90% of the time when someone asks about being banned and for how long in the comments below, by the time I get to see the comment and look it up, the ban has already expired / auto-cleared by the system.
So, I’ve been banned but can’t figure out why? It happened about 6 or so months ago when the nickname rules changed and I couldn’t use my old username anymore (first and last name) No biggie. This time, I got nothing. I don’t spam, flame, argue, etc.
Why am I banned? I have no idea what I did wrong.
Hey, I occasionally use this site to chat with people, and tried to come back, only to see I’m supposedly banned from ALL main chats?! I’ve never sent any messages in the general chat, and I dont think I’ve ever broken any ToS, so I’m not sure why this could be.
I think I used the word Skype in the wrong room could you please reinstate me
I was talking to a dude on Chaya me all the sudden I got banned for no reason I haven’t done anything illegal
So – I am clearing the emails that are subscribed to this page – but people are welcome to re-subscribe.
I don’t know who is currently intending to be on this list or who’s emails are not even working – so clearing the slate of most just to make it easier on the server and people’s inboxes.
I have been banned for almost 2 years now. Please let me know what the best solution is.
So – I am working on a new system to report on bans and make it different to clear them. At the moment there are several hurdles and I see it’s time for a super refresh!
I’m going to put a target on making this a thing by July 2 – hit me up if it takes till then!
Why am I banned? No idea what I did or said wring
Got banned from the roleplay server for an unknown reason, this is the second time this has happened and I am concerned about getting permanently banned.
Any help? :/
Hi There,
My IP address was banned, I am unsure why as I previously had the username Roxi4RP (meaning Roleplay), which seems to comply with the rules laid out – My thought is that this has been misinterpreted by the Mods and as such resulted in a ban. Originally, I took note of the question around bans and have now been waiting over 24 hours.
I honestly did not mean to cause offence and would be cautious about the way things are seen.
I was messing around in the chat rooms and wasn’t being serious but then i got banned. I won’t do it again and I was wondering if there was any way i can get unbanned?
@SARAw – is this from the Xirta chat lobby room?
yes it is
I was just banned and I kinda understand. I was getting way too into it. I just wanted to say I’m sorry.
appreciate the apology – super appreciate it if you’ve read the rules.
We are working a new mod report system right now, so I can’t fix bans till July at this point. sorry!
(and don’t have info yet if we would consider removing this one either – so I can’t say at this time)
Hi I have been banned from the website, unsure as to why. Please can you help?
Is Waaj the username you were using?
Hi I’ve been kicked out from a group chat and I don’t know why, I think it’s been like an hour; and I haven’t been able to enter in that chat another time
@marco – I looked into the registered users list for the peeps section ( https://www.sexchatsexchat.com/peeps/ ) and I don’t see the email addy that you put in the comment here… so either you registered there under a different email address? Or perhaps I do not understand which chat room you are saying you are banned from.
why have i been banned?
looks like im banned from all rooms
@nick – are you talking about the main/xirta system? If so – everyone has been locked out of it for like 2 months now. It’s been broken.
(some info and comments / discussion on the connections problems page ( https://www.sexchatsexchat.com/blog/chat-connection-problems/ ))
I’m going to make some more attempts at fixing it this week though.
Can i please have some help my nick name was kitty and some one was already kitty so the actual site changed it to kitty17 i didnt have any choice over it and i got banned i dont know how long for but i would like some help im 21 not XX [edited by admin] !! And yeah please help
@Kitty – Maybe check back 12 months from now. Unless you want to do the picture ID / shine photo with video chat verification thing – then we could consider sooner.
Why was I banned I didn’t do anything wrong
Ariana – banned from just one room, or banned from the whole system?
I just want to confirm If I have access or not cant seem to get into the site. I am new to Isexychat. I tried to link to a webcam website similar to skype in a DM convo but I believe I got kicked. I thought it was allowed and want to know if I can get access again?
@KingofSpade – are you talking being locked out of the “IsexyChat” web site? IF so – that is not our site, and I don’t know how they do things over there.
i am banned from isexychat what can i do, i attached a gif in chat room by mistake
Sorry krishna – I don’t have any control over the isexychat platform, and I don’t know how to contact them or anything.
i have also get banned from #ifab in isexychat how to get unbanned
So another user said they wanted to put their tongue so deep into this girl and he was asked by mod to put it in a tipnote. Fair enough I think, but I tried to make light of his faux pas by saying “besides, that’s actually really awkward. Unless you’ve got a flip-flop head like the oral B guy.” (He’s a cartoon man who advertises toothbrushes)
Despite that being totally harmless and hilarious both at the same time I got locked by this mod Luisj18 or something, from Katy 18 Pocahontas’ room on Chaturbate.
(Besides, it IS awkward. Face gets in the way.)
*That’s flip-top head…
That’s an interesting story. I don’t know that particular cam girl, or the mod for her room. We are partners with chaturbate, and they have been very helpful so many times.
I am guessing that when you get banned from one girls room via a mod there that you are not blocked from the other cam girl’s rooms in most circumstances.
Maybe Katy 18 will find this comment and respond, but that’s like a one in a million chance I think.
Sadly I don’t think there is much you can do about getting kicked from an individual girl’s room. I also don’t know if they have permanent bans or auto-expiring temporary bans, it’s been a long time since I get into all that.
If I were you I would try again in a couple days, and if you are still blocked from her room.
Hiya Nash,
Good lord what did I do this time? I feel “loving les” banned for no apparent reason. Thanks for fixing me before, but looks like I need your help again. Maybe you can tell me what I’m posting that’s causing this. Thank you.
I was I don’t know why
it happened again what’s going on
Hello, Jay,
You posted more than a few links that where pushing the age limits at best. I did warn you not once, not twice, but 3 times. After the 4th or 5th questionable link I did give you a timed ban. I think it was 6 hours.
tex did I do something
notes on a bunch of bans are scattered, and not everything is aligned for me to be sure at this moment. There is a note for some about ‘age play’ which we have some very specific rules about, have you read up on them and know this?
anything you can do for me again?
you have not indicated that you have read and understand the rules up above. Near the top of the page, about 4th paragraph down:
The list of chat room rules that most people get kicked
is a good place to start.
This was posted via email reply:
Thank you for your reply, Tex. I apologize for my poor selections.
(email replies don’t go to the system that some think it would, so I am re-posting it here manually – Nash )
I’m still banned
What about now loving les?
it just happened again, i just got on and within a second it kicked me an said I’m banned what’s going on
do you have any ideas why
Sometimes just having certain things in a name can raise a red flag ot a yellow flag to keep a keen eye on things to make sure that they do not start down a path that is banned here.
When it comes to age play and several other types of role play, pictures or just text even, some things are not allowed here if they are suggestive of things that go outside our rules.
If someone has been pointed to the rules, and they go outside the boundaries then they are out. Sometimes it’s something that happens when they are in private chat windows and don’t see a mod pointing to rules – and it becomes a problem. Once things get to this banned page, I intend to make sure that someone has seen the specific rules we have in place and they understand them. This way there is not question about whether they got notice about them.
I am banned too idk why.? I email them with ip address and everything.
Chris, I noticed you put isexychat.com in the url field. That is not a system that we moderate or otherwise have any control over.
I don’t know what they do or how they do things over there, so I can’t help with your situation.
nash?where are you?
Sorry bout delays – I’ve been running all over and not here the past few weeks- half way moving has not been great for my productivity that’s for sure!
Why are my messages not posting?
Hello Nash,
Still waiting for a reply on my being banned. It’s been over two weeks and I’m hoping to be allowed back.
Thank You,
Sorry for the delay. I will look into this now I am back in town.
Thank you, Nash, I appreciate your efforts. Welcome back to town I guess, sorry if my multiple messages were annoying, they weren’t meant to be, but I wasn’t seeing them post here so I was confused. Sorry.
Hello Nash, checking in on my situation. It’s been over a month. I’m bumming, dude.
Hey there Jay, thanks for hanging in there. I have not been able to get into the secure enclave to get the data needed yet. I’ve been moving, and the world has not been making that as easy as I was hoping!
Touching base, seeing what’s up.
Jay – I lost the ban info I needed.. but I got into the place I needed to get.. you may be clear to access now – but there may be a disconnect between me + this + the moderators + you at the moment.. so someone may freak out and be all like what the hell.. so for now you can probably access the chat system. But I could get info that requires us to re-ban.. but if anyone says you broke an extra rule by coming back without permission, then that will be on me because issues.
Nash, my IP address has been banned. Can you see if it can be unbanned please?.
I appear to be “perma-banned”. I don’t know why. I have waited 3 days and still get “ip address banned”. Can this be fixed please?
Thank you,
Hello Hash,
I am one of those i feel was banned by mistake. I am always aware of the rules and follow them. Could you please unlock me.
Kaitlyn, is this still a ban block? Sorry for the long delay!
Nash i have been banned for no reason kindly help me to unban i never got kicked or banned earlier, this was first time give me a chance and this is not a valid reason to get banned kindly do needful
Roshan, I removed the URL you had in the comment form. We do not run or have anything to do with that site. I don’t know they moderators there or their policies. Sorry, can not help with that.
Hello. My chat box show me that my name/ip address is banned. I don’t know what I did. Must be Teen Dick’s work. Please help.
Sorry this has happened and it’s taken so long to get to your issue. I will look deeper into this. Are you still seeing the problem?
Nash, my name is banned cause TD was at it. Again. Can you unban it? I was able to access the chat with additions to my name till today. Right now, it says IP banned and I am unable to login.
Thanks in advance
Got it cleared Error. I see one of the mods had messaged me to do this a bit ago and just now got to get into that server system. Sorry for the delays.
Pissed of isint the word! All I did was post a PIC of me sitting on my bike (nothing even rude) and I got banned. How do I appeal against it?
not sure the details on this one at the moment.. however I would guess that something happened some time before the pic posted.. and it took some time for that thing to make it around to the mods and research to be done and a ban to be set. Something controversial occur some times before that? Maybe in a pm?
Hey Nash, TD has got my IP banned yet again by using my name yet again, if you could un-ban me that would be great, thanks
can you please unban my ip don’t know why its banned i know i have not done or posted anything wrong been not using for about a week due to family from out of state staying with me for thanksgiving they are gone now and went to log in and it says banned i have not been on because i had people in house my ip is *edited by admin removing ip addy* please and please let me know thank you
@busty mommy – just got to your other comment on the other page here: http://www.sexchatsexchat.com/blog/problem-help/comment-page-1/#comment-46780
Hi Nash I got on for the first time in a few months yesterday and I logged off without any trouble but i go to get online today and it says my nickname or ip has been banned? Think its a slip up or something but if not can you tell me what happened
@tinyhuntr – does it actually say “Banned” or like “forbidden”?
it says “this nickname or IP address is banned.”
@tinyhuntr – sorry for the delay. I am having trouble with the chat system right now and can’t actually do anything with the bans at the moment. I’ve been trying for a few days now to fix this system and not quite gotten it functioning yet.
Nash, I am back on the Nickname/IP ban
@Error – got ya cleared with this one.
Nash-Can you please unban my IP? Tex didnt know I was in as Purple Bitch cause TD was using my name. Thanks.
Gotcha fixed up cutie. Sorry about the trouble!
Thank you ,Nash 🙂
hi >pls unbann my name hayley ..i twas banned like Cutie because some mod thought i was twisted Dick…I wasnt even there.
@hayley – got it cleared for ya! Sorry for the issue – been working on different ideas for dealing with this for a long time now.
Greetings, and to whom it may concern.
I think I May have had my IP Addy banned by accident. There was a Hacker by the name of Teen_Dick that was using random names whereby LoveBirds ended banning his name and a lot of others he was going by [perhaps using duplicate Ip addy’s]
nonetheless i think i may have been caught up in the process. I went by the name WILL or will thx for your help. I also have an alibi by the name of Blueeyes who could help vouch as he was banned while we were in discussion. thx again
@ Will – I am not seeing your ip (at least not the ip you used to make this comment) or the screen name Will in the ban list. What error message are you seeing?
Hello Will,
I’m a little confused as I kicked a Will (In lower case letters) just before you left the room for a hour, reason being someone said no and he threaten to force themselves on them using the R word that rhymes with hape. You were still in the room at the time. When you tried logging back in did you see a message on the log in screen saying your name or IP address is banned?
If you did I think I know what happened, the same has happened to me more than once, Sometimes and I’m guessing here your ip address is not static you can be assigned a ip address that is banned.
I got banned from a chat room but I don’t know why? I feel I did nothing wrong and the ban has been over a week now. I got banned from another chat room before this and I don’t know what happened at that one but the ban was lifted in a week’s time. Not this new ban.
@Jairo Parra – most people can read the info above and find a reason (or two or more) that they would be kicked or banned from the chat rooms here.
A few people may need to click over to and read the content guidelines for our additional rules and clarifications on things that we prohibit here.
I do not see your screen name Jairo in the ban list for our OC / Original Chat aka Old Chat system. Which one of our systems are you banned from? What is the exact url of the system? What is the message you are seeing that makes you believe you were / are banned from one of our systems>
Hey Nash,
1. I use the nick singsong and have been on this site for the past five years.
2. Logged on today in the oc and got the message that my nickname or ip address has been banned.I am able to log on into NC and MV chat becasue i am a registered user,but they arent half as fun as the OC,my first love :).
3. Could something be done to address the issue?
@singson – looks like this is an old ban that placed a couple years ago against an IP that your ISP has control of. So likely it was someone else in the same area of the country you are in that was intentionally banned. If I get some other info that suggests you were in fact the target of this ban, then we would need to re-ban and such – but I am 99% sure this was intended for someone else a long time ago, and it is cleared for now.
i am confidant that while broadasting i did NOTHING to deserve my ban. can u please tell me why this has happend? it happens almost everytime im on now
@jamescross – I do not see your info in the ban list. What screen name were you using? Is this for the OC system?
What exactly happens everytime you are on?
Hello! I’ve been banned for 36 hours. I was commenting on someone else who said they were talking about “young”. I had said that they shouldn’t do that and said it was weird. I used “young” once to address there screen name. Please help.
@D – I do not see your info in the ban list. At least the info based upon your comment here. Are you using a screen name that rhymes with Gecko? Is this for the OC system?
Hi Nash
I seem to be banned from the room, I have no idea why. Is there any way I can be unblocked please.
@jake – I think this was a list move mistake – should be cleared now.
Hi I have been banned for more than 24 hours now and I have no idea why and I have read the rules etc :/ any info would be great thankyou.
thank you so much nash….. sorry i was a pain….
Hi Nash i know you’re busy, but its like 6 days now and i,m still banned for what was to be honest a genuine mistake, its not like it was done for shits and giggles, IF there was another reason behind this excessive punishment perhaps the person whose finger triggered my ban would like to come forward explain it to me, so as i could better understand their logic.
@lauriebo – found out that the message hella sent to the open room appeared to be a spam bot, and thus was banned for multiple reasons. Since your system is on the same network that your friend used, you were blocked – as it’s our policy to block / ban entire networks for certain things. In some cases, we block an entire ISP or country. We have cleared your ban now, so you should be able to access once again.
sorry for the delay and thanks for the patience!
yes i know i am being a pain but still banned, oh hum..
Hi nash i see you are working on trying to find out what is going on and thank you , to be honest it is rather annoying that something or someone can do this without an explanation, as stated i can be as sure as i can be that all hella did was write the message with my email address for me and posted it in the oc lobby by mistake, as soon as she did it within seconds the oc banned me.. i was with her and saw nothing else she could have possibly done.. many thanks nash