A few updates for the sex chat site today

We published some updates to the site today, I am guessing that most people will not notice any major changes. Mostly fixing a few spelling mistakes here and there, and updating the information that new visitors see on the home page when they visit us the firs time. We added some additional information about some of the recent changes with our premium cam sponsors, and some other details added here and there. sex chat update

Most of our regular users will see cached pages and not see any differences. A few users will see some minor updates to the free sex chat rooms page. Nothing major, and no changes to the chat rooms themselves however. No one should have any issues with missing emoticons or anything! We are always looking for ways to enhance the site and make it better, and we get some updates published now and again.

Of course we are still taking suggestions from the users on the site suggestions page. We are still working on testing some possible on site cam to cam options. We may launch a sex chat roulette type of random cams thing for those who enjoy that kind of thing. The problem we are having with that is connecting it to the current text chat room, but we may launch a beta test of it on it’s own stand alone page just to give those who want the c2c an option here. A much more intense version we have been testing so far puts a major stress on server resources and may require some other upgrades in order to make that happen.

The sex chat peeps section will be getting another update in the near future as well. It looks like the image uploader will get an update there, and we are kind of nervous how it will work across other systems such as tablets, and mac computers. Making that upgrade will probably require a re-write of the instructions on how to upload avatar images and such, so we are going to take some time with the rollout of the update there.

Anyhow, that is some of what has been going on behind the scenes here. I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season, and is looking forward to a good new year soon!