Testing sexier sharing options in the peeps section

We have launched some beta testing for some new features in the peeps section. Currently there are a few new options for sharing and several more that are close to being available for public testing very soon as well. We are also developing a new sexy gif share / pin share section, where people can browse some sexy animated gifs, repin, and add their own to the mix. We have added a new way for people to upload pictures, audio and video to their own profiles with a new media / albums creation thing. We have also made is possible for people to create their own blog within the peeps section.

Currently this is all in the test phase! Anything anyone does in the peeps section during this week or so of testing could get erased and wiped out if we need to revert back to our backup system. Hopefully all goes well with what we have up and running, and we will be able to continue to roll out even more features over the next several days as well. The new features you will find in the peeps area are just the basics, if everything functions properly there will be many more bells and whistles to make it much fancier.

I am inviting people to take peek at some of the new options, and if you are brave enough to try to the add pictures / add media to your profile to see how it works, great, if not, that is cool too. Like I mentioned, these things could break, and things could get lost, so don’t put too much time into it just yet.

As we test the basic functions, I will be making some little picture tutorials or maybe a video tutorial showing how to start your own blog, add new media, and share within the pin share or other sections that are coming. Right now we are stress testing, then we will be adding a few new features, and stress test some more. Once the new features are added and tested, I will be able to make some quick tutorials showing how easy it will be to share more in multiple ways.

The old ‘group blog’ thing we had in the peeps section was fine for giving people the ability to upload, crop, and share pics. But it did lack custom personality for everyone. I noticed that several people actually wanted to make posts, and several others have been uploading more and more pictures. I figured it would be nice to allow anyone who wants to do even more of this to get a more customized experience they can share with others in the chat room.

As things progress, users will get the option to create their own theme, and add their own graphics to their tumblr style blogs. Fingers crossed this all works as planned! Once again, this is testing, more features will be added soon, some tutorials should be available before the end of the month as well. There will be some rules added and some additional terms for sharing, but I don’t think that will be an issue most people. I will keep everyone updated as I get a chance. Enjoy!