New how to score in the chat rooms video

Finally releasing the first version of our “how to score more in the chat rooms” video. how-to-sex-chat-video This is a project that was started a long time ago, and we finally hunkered down to get some of our ideas put into video form. Please check out the new video that is posted on the How to score in the sex chat rooms page. We’d love to hear feedback from everyone about what we could do to make a second and third video in this series. Comment, ideas, suggestions, all always welcome!

Looking forward to get more tips from the experienced chatters on what they see (or saw) for new visitors to avoid and things that they can do that will make the environment more fun for everyone. We will also be putting together videos showing the functionality of our upcoming mv-chat system, and the flashy chat systems we will be rehashing in the near future as well. We’d love to have others chime in on ideas that should be shared, so check it our and chime in.